Today is the first annual International Day of the Girl, established by the United Nations to celebrate girls around the world and to improve their access to education.
Mary Pipher, best-known as the author of Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls, shared this wish with us for today.
“I am saying prayers for Malala Yousufzai, the 14-year-old from Pakistan shot in the head for wanting to go to school. Everyday I pray for girls who are not allowed to go to school or who are forced to work in dreary factories or to marry early against their will.
.My wish for all girls is that they can grow up to be strong, healthy, brave and kind.”
Rod Meade Sperry says
A couple of comments/wishes from our Facebook page:
Suzanne L:
For the Pakistani school girl shot by the Taliban in the head this week to achieve a full recovery!
Otis B:
More awareness and action on the real issues that affect the daily lives of so many single mother households.
Carol Ann says
I agree with Suzanne. My prayers are for a full recovery for this 14 year old Pakistani girl child, shot in the head by the Taliban. So young to be so brave. My respect to Hilary Clinton for going directly to her bedside.