In a new June 28th statement, Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village community in France reports that the Zen teacher, who suffered a stroke last fall, has been, “despite his advanced age, […] making remarkable progress.” From the statement:
We are happy to report that Thay’s health has improved greatly since he returned to his Plum Village Hermitage in early April. Every day Thay has been out in nature, enjoying the blossoms, listening to the birds and resting at the foot of a tree. Thay enjoys lying in his hammock next to the running creek, in the fresh cool of the bamboo grove he planted more than thirty years ago.
Doctors and nurses continue to visit Thay, and he receives physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture daily. The team of attendants continue to care for Thay and support his needs around the clock.
The Plum Vilage message goes in some detail, recounting Thich Nhat Hanh’s progress — of not only nourishing himself with food but doing so with mindful enjoyment; “developing his vocalisation” by joining in with singing attendants; taking delight in the presence of monks and nuns visiting Plum Village, and more. All in all, it’s a lovely report of happy news, ending with a pertinent story from nine years ago when Thich Nhat Hanh was asked if he’d considered retiring from teaching. Read the whole statement here.