When it comes to sex, Western Buddhists tend to be fairly liberal. But as scholar José Cabezón explains, Buddhist tradition takes a much more conservative approach, prohibiting, among other things, oral or anal sex, male homosexuality, and even sex during daylight hours. He challenges us not to dismiss traditional Buddhist views on sexuality but rather to critically examine them, beginning with the study of sexual ethics in Buddhist texts.
What is Pramana?
Pramana as defined by Andy Karr, a Buddhist teacher in the Vajrayana tradition.
Beyond No-Self
While insight into the truth of no-self, is an important step, says the Dalai Lama, it doesn’t go far enough.
Why We Need a Plan B
Norman Fischer says that when it comes to teaching the dharma in the West, it’s important to be open and flexible.
Nothing to Cling To
Narayan Liebenson Grady went to Taiwan just before Master Sheng Yen died, hoping to see him one last time. She reports on his final days.
Ask the Teachers: Is it ever appropriate for a teacher to be wrathful with a student?
The teachers are asked “Is it ever appropriate for a teacher to be wrathful with a student?”
The Not-So-Simple “Tibet Question”
Nancy Lin reviews “Buddhism Between Tibet and China” and “On the Cultural Revolution in Tibet: The Nyemo Incident of 1969”.
Book Briefs Summer 2009
Brief summaries of Buddhist books from the Summer 2009 issue of Buddhadharma magazine.