It’s Labor Day — a day when, hopefully, you’ll get a chance to slow down and enjoy the fruits of your labor. For many of us, though, not even a day off is really a day off. As Sakyong Mipham once wrote in Lion’s Roar:
“The speedy mind is like an internal combustion engine. So much effort goes into the energy it produces, creating the harmful, wasteful byproducts of exhaustion and pollution. Even when we’re reading a book or watching a movie, the idling mind of speed does not shut off. […] If we’re always flapping our wings, endlessly trying to get what we need with aggression, we will always be exhausted. We’ll never find what we’re really looking for, which is our own contentment.”
Well, we hope you’ll find at least some of your own contentment today. So: enjoy, whether you’re working today or not. And in case you could use a little more encouragement, see Sakyong Mipham’s article, “Slow Down, You Move Too Fast,”