On Friday, the office of His Holiness the 17th Karmapa released a statement in response to reports that Indian authorities had, on Thursday night, raided Gyuto Tantric Monastic University in Dharamsala, where the Karmapa lives. There they seized unexplained cash in Indian and other currencies. The Office’s statement:
“Our lineage and His Holiness the Karmapa enjoy the love, trust and faith of millions across the world. We have a rich history of public service made possible through financial dealings that are entirely transparent. We will certainly answer all questions that the press and the public have, but for now we respectfully request you to allow us to concentrate on complying fully with the investigation that is underway.” — Karma Chungyalpa, Dy. General Secretary and Spokesperson, Karmapa Office of Administration
A close aide of the Karmapa was arrested and questioned. A policeman on the case told the AFP, “The Karmapa has no role in it. The investigations will lead us to a further course of action.”