One year after the devastating earthquakes in Nepal, New York City’s Rubin Museum of Art will mount a series of events and exhibitions to “honor Nepal’s people, art, and cultural heritage. […] Both online and at the Museum, the exhibitions, programs, and #HonorNepal campaign will focus attention on Nepal’s significant contributions to the global landscape.”
Art exhibitions will include the collaborative online art exhibition, Honoring Nepal: People, Places, Art, and the Museum exhibition, Nepalese Seasons: Rain and Ritual, which will open on May 6.
Online resources will include the Honoring Nepal website and the #HonorNepal Awareness Campaign, about which the RMA says, “On social media, arts and cultural institutions, as well as worldwide supporters, are invited to share images, well wishes, and other information on April 25 to showcase Nepal’s art and culture.”
The Rubin will also present programs focused on Nepal’s recovery and cultural preservation throughout the year.