Yoga for Anxiety: Meditations and Practices for Calming the Body and Mind
By Mary NurrieStearns and Rick NurrieStearns
New Harbinger Publications 2010; 218 pp., $17.95 (paper)
Both Rick and Mary NurrieStearns, the husband and wife who wrote this book, suffered from anxiety and found that yoga practice helped relieve it. Their experience, as well as the experiences of others who have endured anxiety, are woven into the text. The backbone of Yoga for Anxiety, however, is an exploration of what modern psychology and biology, as well as yogic philosophy, have to teach us about this condition and the nature of the self. A small section of Yoga for Anxiety is dedicated to asana instruction and the poses selected are as calming as you would expect and simple enough for most healthy people. The book also includes instructions for mediation, pranayama (breath control), and working with mantras.