A detour into mainstream ‘mindfulness’ to offer a few meaty tips from Dr. Susan Albers, psychologist and author of Eat, Drink and Be Mindful. She blogs to help people eat with more attention, perspective, and self esteem, and invites people to plug in to mindful eating support groups around North America.
1. Tune in to the physical characteristics of food. Make each bite a mindful bite. Imagine that each bite is magnified 100 percent. Pay close attention to all your senses. Use your tongue to feel the texture. Gauge the temperature. Take a whiff of the aroma. Ask yourself, “How does it really taste? What does it feel like in my mouth? Is this something I really want? Is my mind truly present when I take a bite so that I experience it fully?”
2. Tune in to repetitive habits and the process of eating. Notice how you eat. Fast? Slow? In private? Never put your fork down between bites? Are you stuck in any mindless habits—eating a snack at the same time each day, multitasking while you eat, or eating the same foods over and over again?
3. Tune in to mindless eating triggers. Be aware of specific cues that prompt you to start and stop eating. Is your kitchen a hot spot for snacking? Does a hard day (or other feelings, such as stress, discomfort, or boredom) lead to a food binge? Or, do judgmental thoughts trigger mindless eating? When you know your triggers, you can anticipate them and do some troubleshooting. Ask yourself, “What am I feeling right before I mindlessly snack? Is my environment, emotional state, or dining companion helping or hurting my efforts to eat healthier?”